Your Success, Is our Commitment!

Explore Our Services

At {a}Codeme, we’re more than just service providers, we’re your partners in achieving remarkable outcomes. Our commitment extends beyond code and design; it’s about driving your success!

Web Dev as Services

Web Dev

Web Sites

Turn Your Vision into a Reality: Design & Development for Growth-Driven Websites

Web platforms

Design and build your reach product platform with extensive logical and functional modules including databases and AI modules

Native Mobile App

Design & Build your Native mobile App Apple andGoogle Store

Infra Dev as Services

Infrastrcture Services

API’s Assets

Design and build your product API’s including authentication and documentation best practices

DevOps as a service

Managed and responsibility on your IT infrastructures and help your core developers to focus only on coding

AI LAB Services

Design & Build your own AI models labs based on the top modern practices e.g, RAG , Vector DB’s , token efficiency and more

Custom Dev Services

Custom Dev Services

Landing pages

Design & Build functional and tailor-made SEO Compliance Pages

QA Automation

Design & Build your QA your automation infrastructure integrate to existing pipelines

MVP Definition

Become your digital dream to a reality by our define, design & build service (Zero to Hero)

Data As a Service

Design & Build your own data corpus with Effortless API Integration

System Architecture

System architecture as a services use our proven experience and knowledge to design and drawing technical SRS for your vision

Digital Personal Assistant

Design and build personalized digital assistant tailored to your needs based on AI technology

New features

Build and Implement new features in your existing product based on your specifications


Design and build personalized digital assistant tailored to your needs based on AI technology

Refactor Legacy systems

Design, refactor and build your new legacy system based on modernize technology and standards

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